Grafik einer Schweizer Stadt / Arts graphiques d'une ville suisse / Graphic art of a Swiss town (Walter Bangerter)

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Editor(s): Armin Tschanen, Walter Bangerter
Publisher: ABC Druckerei + Verlags AG
Publication: 1963, First Edition
Binding: Hardcover, section sewn
Pages: 124
Size: 260 x 255
Text: English, French, German
Design: Walter Bangerter

(Preface) The administrative authorities need an abundance of printed matter and graphic work for both internal and external requirements. Apart from their very varied purposes, these means of imparting information should also bear witness to the lively spirit of both the authority and the community they serve. Where necessary, of course, they must express their official character - but in a way that is restrained and in good taste. Wherever the official aspect is not paramount, they should also arouse the recipient's approval. There have been times in which official publications were master- pieces of the printer's art and others in which they were perfect examples of bad taste. Today we are trying to give both the modest and representative printed matter of our city an outward appearance that is satisfying from the aesthetic as well as the objective point of view and also in harmony with the contemporary feeling for form so that it brings credit to Zurich. Emil Landolt

Condition: Good. NOTE: Ex-Libris binding with usual stamps, labels and inscriptions. Rubbing to covers, slight tanning to interior. Please contact me for further information on condition.

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